Splash of Orange

Splash of Orange

Posted by am 28. Aug 2013 in Hamburg, Streetstyle

Saskia, Make-Up Artist/ Barkeeper

Outfit: Shirt & Weste – Snotty

Orange Sky

Orange Sky

Posted by am 2. Jun 2013 in SanFran, Streetstyle

mit Blume, typisch SanFran

Miss Terious

Miss Terious

Posted by am 21. Mai 2012 in Hamburg, Streetstyle

Kumasah, Mode-Designerin Mantel – H&M
, Shirt – H&M
, Rock – Monki
, Strumpfhose – Vintage
, Schuhe – Nike, Tasche – selbstgenäht, Leder vom Flohmarkt
, Brille – H&M

Manhattan, NYC: Stephan

Manhattan, NYC: Stephan

Posted by am 29. Apr 2012 in Streetstyle, USA

Stephan, Design-Student Mantel – Zara, Hemd – Ralph Lauren, Jeans – Cheap Monday, Pulli  – Uniqlo, Gummistiefel – Aigle



Posted by am 8. Apr 2012 in Hamburg, Streetstyle

Luca, Schüler

Vitamin A!

Vitamin A!

Posted by am 19. Okt 2011 in Hamburg, Streetstyle

Anja, Modeassistentin